
for https://iptv-british.uk/

This disclaimer aims to inform visitors and users of iptv-british.uk about the terms, conditions, and responsibilities associated with using our services. By accessing or using our website and services, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this disclaimer.

General Information

iptv-british.uk provides access to Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) services, including streaming television channels, on-demand content, and related services.

Content Ownership

iptv-british.uk does not host, create, or own any content available through our services. We act solely as an intermediary platform, aggregating content from various sources. We do not control the quality, legality, or copyright status of the content.


It is your responsibility to ensure that your use of https://iptv-british.uk/ complies with the laws and regulations in your jurisdiction. Some content may be subject to copyright or licensing restrictions, and using such content without proper authorization may be illegal.

No Endorsement

The inclusion of any third-party services, applications, or content on our website does not constitute an endorsement or guarantee of their quality or legality. We are not responsible for the actions, practices, or policies of these third-party entities.

No Warranty

iptv-british.uk provides its services on an “as-is” and “as-available” basis. We do not make any warranties, expressed or implied, regarding the reliability, availability, or performance of our services.

User Responsibility

Users of iptv-british.uk are solely responsible for their actions and use of the platform. You should use our services in a legal and responsible manner. Any potential consequences of violating the law or the terms of this disclaimer are your responsibility.


You agree to indemnify and hold harmless iptv-british.uk, its affiliates, partners, and employees from any claims, liabilities, or damages arising from your use of our services.

Changes to Terms

iptv-british.uk reserves the right to modify or update the terms and conditions of this disclaimer at any time. It is your responsibility to review this disclaimer periodically to stay informed of any changes.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this disclaimer or the services provided by iptv-british.uk, please contact us using the contact information provided on our website.

By using iptv-british.uk, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions outlined in this disclaimer. If you do not agree with these terms, please refrain from using our services.

Last updated: September 28, 2022